Everyone Benefits

Catholic values are at the forefront of all we do.
Our socially responsible investment strategies mirror our Catholic values
and are based on the investment standards established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Your investment is secure.
We are focused on ensuring that the investment you have entrusted to us is well managed with a competitive fee structure and prudent and independent oversight by our Board of Trustees and finance and investment committees, whose members have decades of investment expertise. This combination of governance, auditing, donor gift compliance, administration and record keeping is designed to protect the longevity of your endowed assets.

We are dedicated to serving you.
We promise to provide excellent customer service to each of our account holders that is trustworthy, responsive and personal.

Growth for the Future.
The Catholic Futures Foundation understands the importance of building endowment funds for the stability and future mission of the Church. To that end, we help individuals and organizations grow their endowments by leveraging sound investment strategies along with marketing and fundraising efforts to increase fund contributions. 

Investment Policy and Performance

Investing With a Catholic Heart

Catholic Values Screening.
Our proprietary Catholic Values screen is constructed based on the Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In the world of faith-based investing, boards and investment committees have the responsibility as stewards to weigh the difficult decision of implementing their institution’s values alongside maintaining fiscal responsibility to their institution.

Historically, the universe of faith-based solutions has forced those two endeavors to be in conflict with one another. We have created a solution that allows those two endeavors to operate in unison, easing the pressure on committees and board members in implementing their institution’s values across a portfolio. Through the use of Separately Managed Accounts, we are able to hire world-class, secular managers and layer Catholic Values Screening alongside portfolio construction. This solution allows the CFF to implement a fiscally responsible investment strategy that also incorporates its values across its portfolio.

The Foundation investment managers will adhere to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) policy which calls for the exclusion of companies that:

• Directly participate in abortion or contraception
• Manufacture contraceptives
• Participate in embryonic or stem cell testing
• Discriminate against women or minorities
• Primarily develop or distribute pornographic material
• Primarily develop or produce military weapons

Quarterly Investment Performance

Current Financials (as of September 30, 2024)

Assets under management:

Number of funds under management:

“If people knew how many endowments and how many people are being helped by these funds they would be absolutely astounded.”

Rev. Frank Baumert, senior associate pastor, Midtown Catholic
(St. Thomas More & St. Joan of Arc Parishes)

Our Advisors:
ALR Group and Merrill

Standing from left to right:Colin Longacre, Matt Swartz.
Sitting from left to right:
Kelsey Nealon, Matt Rehberg, Michael Lighthart, James Ambrose, Hilda Kreulen.


It all starts with a conversation. We want to learn what matters most to you and, as your partner, connect you with giving opportunities that will help you achieve your charitable objectives. Whether you are interested in giving to an existing fund or want to learn about creating your own fund, we can help guide you toward making a gift that is most meaningful to you.

To learn more about how you can positively impact the future of our Church and help transform lives, please contact us or fill out and submit this form.

Bonnie Nebuda
Foundation Officer
402.557.5650 Ext. 1917

2222 N. 111th St.
Omaha, NE 68164

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